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Strong Results Achieved by Supporting Positive School Climate

Posted 10/21/2022

The Georgia Department of Education has recognized 45 district schools for supporting a positive school climate through the implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework. Of those schools, 16 received the ‘Distinguished’ recognition for the 2021-2022 school year, highlighting a substantial increase over the nine schools designated when results last came out before the pandemic.

PBIS is an approach schools use to promote school safety and good behavior. With PBIS, schools teach kids about behavior expectations and strategies. PBIS is proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes.

"Fulton County Schools is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for all students," said Director of Student Discipline, Prevention, and Intervention Maribel Bell. "We attribute this success to the hard work of the local schools, strong coaching and training of PBIS coaches, as well as an extremally effective district leadership team that consists of district-level leaders of all departments."

The purpose of the recognition system is to identify schools that exemplify best practices in the implementation of PBIS. To qualify for state recognition, system schools must be in a local education agency (LEA) with active support through a district leadership team, district coordinator, and a district action plan.

In addition to the 16 Distinguished schools, the district has 28 Operational schools, which represents 48 percent of district schools implementing PBIS at the highest levels possible.