Riverwood International Charter School Chef is ProStart Teacher of the Year 
Posted 10/18/2022
Chef Elissa Oliver
Award-winning Chef Elissa Oliver, who heads Riverwood International Charter School's popular culinary arts program, has done it again. She was just named 2022 Georgia ProStart Teacher of the Year. ProStart is a two-year, industry-backed culinary arts and restaurant management program for high school students.
Over her nine-year tenure at Riverwood, Chef Oliver and the culinary arts students have received numerous awards.
"I have won many awards, but I will say my proudest moments are when my students get the concept I'm teaching and also when they graduate high school and are successful in completing the culinary arts pathway at Riverwood," Chef Oliver said.
By guiding and instructing in techniques, life skills and work ethic, Chef Oliver ensures her students are prepared for job readiness and real-world experiences.
"I love the creative factor and want to teach youth how to operate in hospitality, tourism, and culinary business,” she said. “It is always changing and there will always be jobs in our industry."
Not only is Chef Oliver a champion for her students by providing them with the tools needed to enter the workforce, but she also serves her community. She and a few friends are co-founders of Solidarity Sandy Springs, a local food pantry that started during the pandemic.
"Solidarity Sandy Springs provides meals for some 240 families each week," she said.
For those students who want to follow in her footsteps, Chef Oliver advises, "Go to a new teacher institute. Cooking and being on the line in a kitchen is very different than classroom management, grading, and giving students the individual attention they need. Not every student I teach will be a chef or even in the hospitality, tourism, or culinary field, but I need them to be employable and successful when they leave my program."