Just the Facts: School Instructional Calendars
Posted 10/21/2022
Each year, the Board votes on new instructional calendars for the upcoming two school years. In October, Superintendent Mike Looney brought forward a recommendation for the proposed 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 instructional calendars. Each calendar draft aims to honor the instructional calendar parameters voted on by the Fulton County Board of Education in September 2022.
After careful consideration by the Board, the proposed calendars reflect some significant changes from past calendar years. Highlights include:
- The school year will start in August and end before Memorial Day to ensure students have a full summer.
- The calendars have been revised to better align Spring Break with other metro counties that have approved calendars so far.
- A significant number of professional development days and teacher workdays have been added while ensuring there are as many full instructional weeks as possible to support continuous learning and help keep students’ routines.
- The calendars include a full week off in November for Thanksgiving break and two full weeks off for the holidays in December.
The following list highlights each instructional calendar draft:
Proposed 2023-2024 Instructional Calendar
- 175 Total Instructional Days (S1: 84, S2: 91)
- Pre-Planning Begins on August 1, 2023
- First Day for Students August 7, 2023
- 7 Professional Development Days (includes pre-planning)
- 7 Teacher Workdays (includes pre- and post-planning)
- Last Day for Students May 23, 2024
Proposed 2024-2025 Instructional Calendar
- 176 Total Instructional Days (S1: 88, S2: 88)
- Pre-Planning Begins on July 29, 2024
- First Day for Students August 5, 2024
- 7 Professional Development Days (includes pre-planning)
- 8 Teacher Workdays (includes pre- and post-planning)
- Last Day for Students May 23, 2025
Calendar updates will be included in the Board Bulletin, which comes out after every Board meeting. We encourage stakeholders to stay engaged during this process. The calendars are set for final approval at the November 17 Board meeting.