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FCS Students Best State and National ACT Participation Rates

Posted 10/13/2022

Meets All Four College Readiness Benchmarks

Fulton County Schools (FCS) students outscored the state and national average ACT score for the sixth consecutive year, while also showing a 60% increase in participation rate. The Fulton County Board of Education is committed to offering all students an opportunity to participate in a district-paid administration of the ACT during the spring of their junior year. This has resulted in an increase in the number of FCS students taking the ACT. The state of Georgia showed only a 20% increase in participation, while the U.S. had a four percent increase.

"We are encouraged by the growth in numbers of students taking the tests, indicating more students are preparing for college and careers," said FCS Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney. "We are committed to improvement on all levels and will continue to work toward enhanced test preparations."

Fulton County ACT Student Participation Totals 

Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Participation 3,728 3,736 3,621 3,141 2,089 3,344

The greater participation rates for FCS – almost 1,300 more students - show an encouraging trend indicating more students are actively engaged in their future and considering post-secondary education plans than in previous years. As expected, with more students taking the exam, the overall composite scores did decrease. The average composite score on the ACT for FCS students in the class of 2022 was 23, a decrease over the class of 2021 composite score of 25.3.

  National Georgia Fulton County
English 19 21 22.6
Mathematics 19.3 20.8 22.5
Reading 20.4 22.5 23.5
Science 19.9 21.5 22.8
Composite 19.8 21.6 23.0

Additionally, the results bore out a 40% increase in College Readiness with students meeting all four requirements, again exceeding state and national benchmarks.

Percent Who Met Benchmarks 

English Mathematics Reading Science Met All Four
Nation State Fulton Nation State Fulton Nation State Fulton Nation State Fulton Nation State Fulton
53 65 73 31 41 53 41 52 60 31 42 51 22 30 41

"We continue to support our students uniquely, as a district, providing the broadest access to college preparatory testing which prevents finances from blocking that path," said Board of Education President, Julia Bernath.