October 2022 |
Boo! It is October (already) and Halloween is right around the corner! This issue of FCS Messenger is packed with spooktacular information to help parents make important decisions so their students succeed.
One of the big takeaways this month is encouraging parents to provide feedback about the redistricting process. You will also learn more about our “Every Child Reads” program, upcoming field trips, and how FCS offers language assistance to parents who need support.
Plus, there are some safety updates you will not want to miss, including information about the purchase of Flock Safety cameras that can read license plates of cars entering campuses at all schools in the district.
October is:
- Red Ribbon Month
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month
- Bullying Prevention Month
Dates To Remember |
School Custodian Day
October 2
GA Pre-K Week
October 3-7
Fire Prevention Week
October 10-14
Columbus Day
October 10
Professional Development Day
Tuesday, October 11
Board Work Session
Tuesday, October 11
Teacher Workday
Wednesday, October 12
National School Bus Safety Week
(Bus Driver Appreciation Week)
October 17-21
America's Safe Schools Week
October 17-21
Board Meeting
October 20
Redistricting Feedback Encouraged
We value your input! FCS is asking parents to stay engaged during our redistricting effort. Feedback is being taken throughout the process, and we want to hear from you! We encourage public discussion through a series of meetings, allowing the community to have maximum input on the process, while thoughts can be shared at any time through planning@fultonschools.org.
Click here for more information on redistricting and the multiple ways you can provide feedback.
Thank You, FCS Bus Drivers!
Finding and keeping good school bus drivers is one of the biggest challenges facing school transportation today. National School Bus Safety Week is October 17-21, 2022. Click here for some ideas from Executive Director of Transportation Services Vickie Cross to show your appreciation and say thank you to the people who keep your child safe every day. You can also learn about our transportation services through a new episode of Superintendent Looney’s talk show, “Let’s Talk Schools,” airing October 12.
A Culture of Safety
In an ongoing effort to ensure safety and security, the district is installing alarms called “exit door stoppers” at every FCS school, with the exterior doors already complete at all high schools. The installation at elementary and middle schools will finish later this month. Also, Flock Safety cameras are being installed at all schools. These cameras capture computer-readable images of license plates, allowing law enforcement agencies to compare plate numbers against those of stolen cars or cars driven by people suspected of being involved in criminal activities. Click here to learn more about our safety efforts.
Fun Field Trips!
Get your kids excited for some upcoming field trips being offered this fall through our new Cultural Kaleidoscope program! These interesting trips provide every student with enriched, educational learning beyond the classroom by offering authentic experiences and cultural exposure. Click here to see which exciting experience awaits your child!
Language Assistance & Translations
Did you know you can easily translate the FCS website into other languages? FCS also has assistance if a parent needs an interpreter for any public meeting presented by the school district. Click here to learn more about language assistance, translation, and interpretation services.
Let’s Talk Schools!
The first eight episodes of Superintendent Mike Looney’s interview program, ‘Let’s Talk Schools,’ are now online. Every episode includes valuable information for parents coming directly from the experts on issues such as the school nutrition program, transportation services, and redistricting. Watch all the episodes now.
National Bullying Prevention Month and Red Ribbon Week
It is always more fun to learn when you can get involved! The FCS Office of Student Supports is encouraging students to participate in weekly themes this month, including ‘Make Friends with Someone New,’ ‘Stand Up for Others,’ ‘Include Everyone’ and ‘Red Ribbon Week,’ to send a loud and clear message about bullying prevention and drug use. Click here for more information on the month-long campaign.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
This year’s campaign theme, “See Yourself in Cyber,” demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it is really all about people. Ensure your student makes smart decisions online. Click here for important online safety tips.
"Every Child Reads" Program
"Every Child Reads" is a $90 million, three-year plan that prioritizes literacy skills to help students who fell behind during the pandemic. Click here to find out how thousands of teachers are learning how to best teach reading and writing to FCS students through an innovative program called LETRS.
Copyright © 2022 Fulton County Schools Communications Department, All Rights Reserved. |
If you need this information in a different language, please send an email
to districtlanguageassistance@fultonschools.org or call (470)254-6827.