April 2024 |

Parents, as we near the end of the school year, it is crucial to keep our students motivated and focused on their goals. Here are a few ways to help keep them grinding:
- Remind them of their potential and the incredible progress they have made so far.
- Encourage them to stay organized, manage their time effectively, and seek help when needed.
- Remind them that hard work pays off, and every effort they put in now will lead to success in the future.
- Support them every step of the way and celebrate their achievements, no matter how big or small.
Together, we can help them finish the school year strong and with confidence. Keep pushing forward!
Dates To Remember |
April 8-12 National Library Week
April 16 Board Work Session (North Learning Center)
April 24 Administrative Professionals Day
April 25 Board Meeting (South Learning Center)
April is:
- Autism Awareness Month
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Former Westlake Superstar Continues to Shine
Westlake High School made headlines when former student and star basketball player Raven Johnson helped the South Carolina Gamecocks win this year’s Women’s NCAA championship. “The whole West Lake community is proud,” said her former basketball coach, Hilda Hankerson, in an interview with WSB-TV. Watch here
FCS Celebrates Our Exceptional CTAE Students
District and school officials gathered recently to recognize the hard work and dedication of our top CTAE students. Nominees for CTAE Student of the Year were honored at a banquet and the top three finalists received college scholarships. Jaylen Butts of Tri-Cities High School was named the overall CTAE Student of the Year. Check out this promo video and the banquet recap video.
Daffodil Project Brings Holocaust Awareness
Flower beds full of daffodils greeted visitors with beaming yellow warmth on a cold, rainy day as they walked into New Prospect Elementary School (NPE) for their early March Daffodil Project blooming ceremony. Read more
Riverwood High School Makes Hoops History
"It was an incredible run, and I am really proud of my guys." Riverwood High School Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Leonard "Buck" Jenkins sums up an amazing season for his team. It culminated in their first-ever 6A state championship. Read more
Webb Bridge Middle School Model PLC at Work™ Honor
Model PLC at Work™ (Professional Learning Community) schools are notably some of the highest-performing schools in the nation. Webb Bridge Middle School now carries that recognition. This is the first time Webb Bridge has applied for and been awarded the honor and the first middle school in the district to receive the distinction. Read more.
Summer Learning Has Students Covered
There are roughly 10 months in a regular school year in Fulton County. Families and teachers know a lot can happen over that time - both in and out of school. For students who need a little extra time, the FCS Summer Learning program is here to help. Click here for invitation criteria, courses offered, and registration information.
Students Benefit from High Dosage Tutoring
In episode fifteen of “Let’s Talk Schools,” Superintendent Mike Looney investigates how High Dosage Small Group Tutoring can double the amount of learning students typically gain during one academic year. Watch here
FAVE Registration for 2024-25 is Now Open
The 2024-2025 application is open for families wishing to register for the Fulton Academy of Virtual Excellence (FAVE). FAVE is a full-time, online school that allows students in grades 3-12 to attend classes in a flexible format. Instruction includes a blend of live, online lessons and self-directed lessons from Fulton County teachers. For more information, click here.
Discussing the Future of A.I. in Education
Dr. Looney's online show, "Let's Talk Schools," broadcasted live on YouTube and FCSTV for the first time on March 11 from Riverwood International Charter School where he was joined by district experts for a roundtable discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how students learn and interact with the world. Watch here.
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