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Webb Bridge Middle School Earns Model PLC at Work™ Honor

Webb Bridge Middle School Earns Model PLC at Work™ Honor
Webb Bridge


Model PLC at Work™ (Professional Learning Community) schools are notably some of the highest performing schools in the nation. Fulton County Schools' (FCS) Webb Bridge Middle School (WBMS) now carries that recognition. This is the first time Webb Bridge has applied for and been awarded the honor and the first middle school in the district to receive the distinction.

Webb Bridge Principal Rebecca Williams is proud of her students, faculty, and staff for all the work they have put in to improve student performance which also impressed the deciding judges on the Model PLC at Work™ Evidence of Effectiveness Committee.

"It acknowledges the hard work and dedication our staff has for our students and our commitment to their learning success and reignites our passion to continue PLC practices," Williams said. "Our educators are dedicated to the tenants of Professional Learning Community at Work, which allows them to focus on collaboration and student results. The WBMS administrative team applied for the distinction to honor our teachers' hard work and commitment to student outcomes."

Every three years, schools who desire the honor apply and are notified by the committee of their status.

"A Model PLC school is focused on and has a commitment to the learning of each student through collaborative learning methods and has clear evidence of improved student learning over at least three years," Williams said.

In their announcement letter, the committee noted they were impressed with the constant growth and improvements in student academics on all grade levels.

"WBMS will continue its commitment to helping all students achieve at high levels," Williams said.

Lake Forest Elementary and Northwestern Middle School have also earned Model PLC at Work recognition.