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Parent Surveys Help Fulton County Schools Hear from Our Community

Parent Surveys Help Fulton County Schools Hear from Our Community


How do you make sure Fulton County Schools has your feedback on the most important items facing the district? By taking time to share your thoughts on the annual Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) Parent Survey.

Right now, Fulton County Schools is seeking stakeholder views to increase the district's understanding of our parent perspective. This tool provides the school system and local schools with important information across five key areas:

  • Teaching and learning
  • School Safety
  • Positive relationships
  • Resource allocation
  • Parent involvement

During COVID-19, the GDOE temporarily discontinued mandatory parent surveys that impact College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores. In the wake of that decision, Fulton County Schools rolled out its own Annual Perception Survey in 2021 to continue gathering feedback from parents. District staff utilizes all survey data decisions to celebrate system-wide and school-specific successes, while also identifying potential areas of concern that need new programming support and attention. The results have informed many important district decisions in response.

This year, GDOE is reinstating those once-mandatory surveys for schools to administer, including The Georgia Student Health Survey (Grades 3-12), and the Georgia Parent Survey. It is important to note, unlike the district perception survey, the state surveys have a parent participation component that can influence the CCRPI rating each school receives.

"For parents who wonder where opportunities are to provide their voice and input into the work we do at Fulton County Schools, the state surveys and our own Annual Perception Surveys are your best option to make sure that we can capture your feedback," says Dr. Ryan Moore, Executive Director of FCS Strategy & Governance. "Just know that your responses are anonymous and that we do take your feedback seriously."

Fulton County Schools wants to exceed state participation rates. Access to surveys began November 1, 2023, and continues until December 15, 2023. Once available, the district's survey response data will be made visible to the public via the Fulton County Schools Balanced Scorecard, a robust online dashboard for district and local school data.