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Fulton County Schools Reaches Record Graduation Rate

Fulton County Schools Reaches Record Graduation Rate

The Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) released new data today showing Fulton County Schools (FCS) with a 90.3 percent graduation rate, achieving the highest ever recorded graduation rate for the third year in a row.  A total of 14 FCS high schools were over 90 percent, with three schools above 97 percent and six schools over 95 percent.

“With the new height this year, FCS’s graduation rate went over 90 percent as a district for the first time ever,” said Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney.  “The district has committed the academic and social supports students need to reach graduation and they have responded with record setting results”.

The Board of Education has provided the resources to implement strategies for improving attendance and supporting course recovery with multiple options for completing coursework, including summer learning and High Dosage Small Group (HDSG) tutoring.

Through CTAE programs, FCS also provides course options ensuring students have relevant studies with real-world implications that help encourage them to complete their degrees.

“Our district is focused on student achievement,” said Board President Kimberly Dove.  “Teachers, school leaders and staff are building relationships with students that is leading to their successfully meeting their graduation requirements.  We are truly proud of our graduates and their hard work.”


Fulton County Schools Reaches Record Graduation Rate