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FCS Announces the LEAD CTAE Class of 2023-2024

FCS Announces the LEAD CTAE Class of 2023-2024
Dr. Brian Patterson

Dr. Brian Patterson
Angela Wilborn

Angela Wilborn

Dr. Brian Patterson and Angela Wilborn, two Fulton County Schools (FCS) Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) teachers, were named to the 7th Leadership Exploration and Development (LEAD) class of 2023-2024. Only 20 educators across Georgia are admitted each year.

Dr. Brian Patterson, Work-Based Learning (WBL) coordinator at North Springs High School, worked in sales and marketing prior to his career in education. At North Springs, he interviews 200 students each year and awards roughly 100 WBL positions to student ambassadors exhibiting the maturity to engage with outside businesses. He helps his students understand "the rules in the workforce are different than the rules in school, and the way we view ourselves is different than the way others view us."

Patterson continues, "The purpose of LEAD CTAE is to create servant leaders who will develop other servant leaders. I look forward to using the knowledge I gain at LEAD CTAE to improve my leadership skills as the new Fulton County Work-Based Learning Pathway Lead and instilling these leadership principles in my WBL students."

Angela Wilborn, a former CTAE teacher at Paul D. West Middle School, has been in education for 10 years and currently works as a CTAE support specialist in the FCS administration center. Prior to teaching, her experience included corporate pharmaceutical sales, real estate and culinary arts. She is a testament to the philosophy of transferrable skills.

She explains to teachers and students, "Transferable skills allow you to put your talents in multiple baskets to find success and to elevate yourself. In LEAD CTAE, I am looking forward to learning how to become a more effective leader for the teachers I support. LEAD CTAE will also allow me to learn more about the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), legislative policy, and advocacy for growing my CTAE district level role."

Leslie McHann, previous inductee and CTAE teacher at Roswell High School said, "My LEAD experience was the most fulfilling professional development that I have ever been a part of. My biggest takeaway from the program was developing a much deeper understanding of the important role CTAE plays in Georgia's economic development. As a WBL coordinator, I have been empowered with the confidence to communicate the value of our CTAE programs and work to build meaningful partnerships with local businesses in the community."

"Having three CTAE educators from FCS in the past two years is a testament to the strong CTAE program we have here in the district," said CTAE Director Dustin Davis-Austin. "Ms. McHann, Ms. Wilborn, and Dr. Patterson exemplify what it means to be an elite CTAE teacher, and I am so proud of what they offer to our students each day."

The five-session, nine-month CTAE LEAD leadership development program is sponsored by the CTAE Resource Network, Inc. (CTAERN,) (GaDOE) and the Georgia Association for Career and Technical Education (GACTE.)