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DID YOU KNOW? FCS Celebrates Opening of Two SAFE Centers

DID YOU KNOW? FCS Celebrates Opening of Two SAFE Centers
Banneker High School SAFE Center Grand Opening

Banneker High School SAFE Center Grand Opening


February was a celebratory month as Fulton County Schools (FCS) marked the grand openings of two additional S.A.F.E Centers in the district. S.A.F.E. stands for Student And Family Engagement. Free wrap-around services in the center are supported by federal funds from the FCS Bridge to Success Plan, as well as grants and donations.

On February 8th, Banneker High School celebrated the relaunch and official grand opening of its newly redesigned S.A.F.E Center. It initially opened in 2018 and is the site of the district’s first S.A.F.E Center. From food and clothing to counseling and mental health support, the purpose of the center is to help connect students and families with the things they need to succeed. It is managed by two dedicated full-time staff, Coordinator Igola Jordan, Ed.S, and School Social Worker Leniecia Powdar, LCSW, and is located in the center of the Banneker High School building. In addition to federal funds, dozens of organizations like Goodr, the Atlanta Community Food Bank and the United Way have all partnered with the school to help make the free resources and services available, which include groceries, clothing, shoes, laundry, barber services, and hygiene items. Mentoring as well as mental and physical health care will also be provided, along with housing assistance and other wraparound services.

The event was well attended by community members, partners, and leaders, and was covered by several members of the local news media. To watch WSB-TV’s coverage click here.


North Springs High School SAFE Center Grand Opening

North Springs High School SAFE Center Grand Opening


On February 22nd, The Link at North Springs officially opened its door as the third S.A.F.E Center in Fulton County Schools. Similar to the S.A.F.E centers at Banneker and Tri-Cities, The Link at North Springs will provide students with free resources and services such as groceries, clothing, shoes, mental health as well as mentoring and tutoring programs. The center is managed by two full-time FCS staff members, Coordinator Diahann Fulwider, Ed.S, and School Social Worker Maia Smith, MSW, and is located on the lower level of the E hall at inside the North Springs High School building.

Lifting up the theme “Stronger Together, the grand opening event was well attended by several FCS Board members, leaders, staff, and community partners; and was featured in several local media news outlets as well such as one that can be seen here.

All FCS S.A.F.E Centers operate under the tenets of the Community School model, which is basically a set of partnerships between the school system, the nonprofit sector, and local government agencies.

For more information on this groundbreaking and unique district concept, please watch the following “Let’s Talk Schools” episode with FCS Deputy Chief Academic Officer Dr. Gymiah Whitaker and Banneker High School Principal Dr. Jason Stamper.