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DID YOU KNOW? Bridge to Success Survey Results

DID YOU KNOW? Bridge to Success Survey Results

Did you know that a majority of Fulton County School (FCS) stakeholder survey respondents continue to approve of the district's Bridge to Success Plan?  As a matter of fact, the results of the most recent 6-month review survey show an increase in support of the district's goals and priorities to help students recover from the learning disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Stakeholders also ranked "Every Child Reads" and "FOCUS" initiatives as two of the Bridge to Success Plan's most important initiatives.

In terms of overall feedback, survey responses were as follows:

BTS Survey Results


For more information on the FCS Bridge to Success Plan, view this episode of Let's Talk Schools with FCS Federal Programs Director Montreal Bell.

Bridge To Success Logo

To learn more about the FCS Bridge To Success Program funded by CARES, CRRSA & The American Rescue Plan (ARP), please visit our website at

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